Hometown: Central, South Carolina

Current Town: Houston, Texas

On Go4Ellis Since:  2019

Alma Mater: Winthrop University (undergraduate)/ Middle Tennessee State University (Graduate)

Go: Clemson Tigers, New Orleans Saints, Boston Celtics

First AT Job: Industrial Athletic Trainer @ Delta Airlines

Current Gig: Industrial Athletic Trainer @ Delta Airlines

Most Important Thing In Your Bag: Gauze/Coban

Gameday Snack: Iced Honey Bun

Best AT Moment: Interning with the New Orleans Saints in undergrad.  An experience I wouldn’t trade for the world!!!

Quote/Lyric/ Line That Sums Up Athletic Training For You:  Success is what you make of it! You can reduce yourself to pennies, or go after the dollar you deserve!

Know an AT that we absolutely just have to profile? Send us their info at contactus@go4ellis.com.

Need an athletic trainer? Go4Ellis is a nationwide app/platform that connects teams and organizations with per diem athletic trainers for games, practices, camps, clinics and tournaments.

For more information, or to find and hire an athletic trainer, visit go4ellis.com.

If you’re an AT looking to pick up a shift or two, click the links below to download the app.


Go4Ellis is the preferred per diem platform of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association.

Every sideline. Everywhere.